Legal Matters: Compliance and Regulation in the Banking Sector
September 8, 2017
9:00 a.m. (CDT)
JW Marriott Chicago, 151 W. Adam Street, Chicago IL 60603
Join Miller Canfield attorney Cara Houck at the Midwest Bank Special Assets and Credit Officer's Forum. Cara will moderate a panel that will be discussing:
- The banking sector is constantly roiled with new, updated, abolished or half formed regulations. Our panel of experts will try to guide you through the swamp.
- Regulations to watch for? Stress testing’s & Capital Requirements? KYC & AML? FATCA? Will Glass Steagall 2.0 happen? Will anything happen with Dodd Frank
- Impact on Small Banks v Impact on Bigger Banks? Who’s getting the rawest deal?
- Has Trump made a difference?